Dr.Ellen Choi

Thoughts become things.

Ellen is a mindfulness researcher, speaker, teacher, coach, yogi, and meditator that is obsessed (in a mostly healthy way) with wellbeing, mental health, personal growth, and living with purpose.


Learn about how mindfulness can support performance, wellbeing, and joy at work (or at the very least, build the skills to embrace the suffering).

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Stress & Resilience

In these current volatile, uncertain and rapidly changing times, learning to be more present to what’s actually happening (despite what our perception insists is true) can provide you with a chance to meet the edges of your comfort zone with more awareness and compassion for yourself and others.

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Mindfulness & Performance

The ability to choose where we place our attention and how long we can sustain it is a highly sought after and valuable mental skill. 

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Mindful Leadership

The relationship we have with ourselves underpins the relationships we have with others. Learning to relate to ourselves with curiosity rather than constant judgment can hold far-reaching ripple effects.

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Executive Coaching 

Learn to assess and develop your physical, mental and emotional potential. Ideal for one-on-one coaching or teams.

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Recent Updates


New Workshops

I’m delighted to share three new workshops:

1) Awkwardly Authentic Conversations: How mindfulness, self-awareness, and empathy can help move us toward understanding

2) The Art & Science of Rest: What research and practice can tell us about why it’s so hard to slow down and how to optimally take the breaks we need

3) Biases at Work: Mindfully embracing discomfort and inviting curiosity to unconscious bias and inequity in the workplace


Recent Publicatiions

1) Choi, E., & Sabey, A. (2024). “I could just exist … not in a box”: Experiential examinations of masculinity within a contemporary men’s group. Psychology of Men & Masculinities. 25(2), 187–202. Summary here.

2) Choi, E., ten Brummelhuis, L. L., & Leroy, H. (2024). Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy: The   Role of Self-Esteem Based on Others’ Approval in Qualifying the Relationship Between Leader Transparency and Follower Voice. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 31 (2), 1-19. Summary here.


What is mindfulness?

Mindfulness refers to awareness that is oriented towards the present moment, and applies an open and non-judgmental quality to experience, which allows us to relate to self-doubt, fear, and the pressure to be “all the things to all the people” with greater acceptance.  Contact us to learn more about how mindfulness can be trained. 


The Facts

Optimal performance and productivity rely on our ability to manage stress, think clearly, and invest in our wellbeing.

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Increased Focus & Productivity

Over 90% of participants from a publicly traded company reported a boost in productivity and focus after partaking in a 6-week mindfulness training course with Dr. Ellen Choi. All participants agreed that the training could be applied to their work and that their well-being was enhanced as a result of the knowledge and skills they acquired.


The cost of "Presenteesism"

A recent study on over 2000 employees in 17 countries estimates that 57.5 days per year are lost due to presenteeism, when you show up at work in body but not in mind. The cost of absenteeism alone in Canada is approximately 17 billion/year. Presenteeism is said to be ten times the cost of absenteeism suggesting that the true cost of presenteeism may be a staggering 170 billion/year.


Stress is affecting performance & wellbeing

73% of North Americans regularly experience psychological symptoms of stress every day. Burnout, or mental and emotional exhaustion from work, is one of the leading causes of employee turnover.  With stress levels increasing year over year, equipping employees with stress management skills is a worthwhile investment for individual and organizational health.

Free Guided meditations by dr.ellen choi

Learn to Meditate.

Conceptually understanding what mindfulness is but not practicing mindfulness is like understanding what surfing is but never learning to swim.  Meditation is a mental training technique that cultivates mindfulness, a quality of awareness that is present-moment oriented and non-judgmental. 

If you would like to explore some guided practices to start or support your practice, please do. 

It's not about perfect, but it is about practice.


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